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Fabulous. Simply.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


There is this girl. Passionate. Too passionate for her own good. She is passionate about her home. About her people. Misunderstood and never taken seriously. Pitied and never really respected. Sure they get on her nerves sometimes, and she is even embarassed by them and pretends she is not one of them sometimes. But the love she has for her people overpowers her and she has dreams of one day being the savior of her people. Fixing all the problems that plague her nation. Teaching the world that her people are intelligent, witty and funny, beautiful, kind hearted people. Making people envious and proud and awe-struck by her people. Pulling them from the bottom and allowing them to grace the thrones of greatness. She dreams of wooing the world with her words and thus shining a much needed light on the great talents of her people. In her mind, she carries the burden of her entire nation on her shoulders. Because her passion to present it to the world, refuses to let her fail. Her passion is her all-consuming fire.


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