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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Why I Will Not Get Out Of Bed

Getting out of bed means getting out of my shell
it means facing all the things i am scared to face
another day of trying to figure things out
another day of pretending to be happy when i'm not

i don't want to have to face the world
don't want to have to be the object of anyone's attention
don't want to have them all look at me
and wonder if there is something wrong with me

if i get out of bed i'll have to face myself
figure out who it is i am going to be today
i will not enjoy the safety of my comfort zone
i'll be cast out and expected to be somebody

but how can i be anybody
if i don't know how to be myself?
how can i be confident in myself
when i cling to insecurity like a safety blanket?

i'm scared to get out of bed
because i am scared to face the reality of me
scared that i will be misunderstood
scared that they won't like me

so why can't i just stay in bed
and be whoever i want to be
and not have to work at being accepted
and not have to be afraid of the world?


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