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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Never Again

Never Again
Never Again will i let myself fall
Fall into those eyes that
Pierce through me and draw out
A trust, a submission
That is blind to reason
And bright scarlet as quiet, trickling
Blood, so silent yet so deadly

Never Again
Never again will i give in to that charm
The charm that seems
To bind my heart in shackles
And leaves me with no reason
To believe that i can break free
That i am free to say no when
I please and not to stand defenseless

I promise not to do it again
Not to run to you with open arms
In hopes of getting that love returned to me
When in reality rejection slaps me across the face
Leaving nothing but the sting of confusion
For i was so certain you would catch me in your arms
But instead i hit a cold stone wall
Which stood as my only refuge, my only comfort
Against the wracking of a lonely, broken heart


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