mEnTaL mAsTeRbAtIoNs

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Fabulous. Simply.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Day My Heart Broke

You left me

I ran out for find you and you were gone

I waited so long for you

and just when I thought I finally would find you

You were gone.

Just like that.

No goodbye

No chance to give you the flowers of joy and laughter

I had spent a lifetime picking for you

I saw you.

You never knew me you but I saw you

And though you never knew I even existed

You saw me too



But when I ran outside in childish excitement

They told me you had gone away

You had gone before I got there and I was too late

And the flowers dropped from my hands

And I was a little girl again

And my little heart broke

And my mind went dark

And my whole world turned to gray

Drained away by the pain in my heart

And the loss in my soul

I was too late and you had already gone

And all I can do now is cry

All I can do is stare at the spot

Where i knew we were surely going to meet

And you weren’t there

And suddenly I wasn’t there anymore

And my world lost its music

And my world lost its color

And I waited there, alone and cold

Waiting for the day you would be back

Even though I knew you would never be back

That is the day my heart broke

And I lost my best friend