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Location: United States

Fabulous. Simply.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


the green is my sexy one
low-cut to reveal the soft, small bashful me
slit to the navel to dare anyone to say anything to me

the red is my confident one
not too ambitious in its lines
but bright enough to attract, to keep my head pointing skyward

the white is my humble one
modestly putting at ease all who come across it
making me the girl next door to everyone

the black is my power one
seductively showing my sleek independance
mysteriously shrouding my vulnerability

the blue is my melancholy one
subdued and wanting to be alone
brooding and deep in thought

to the unobservant outsider, they are just clothes
just material covering the top half of me
but to me it is the showcase of my sex, humility, confidence, power, melancholy

i'm telling you my sexuality is a raw and fierce green jungle, yet still not fully ripe.
i'm telling you my confidence is a passionate, penetrating red ruby, yet still unassuming.
i'm telling you my humility is a disarming, virgin-white dove, yet still familiar.
i'm telling you my power is a bold, rich coal mine, yet still mysterious.
i'm telling you my introspection is the calming, deep blue sea, yet still full of surprises.

These are the colors of me
And i wear them everyday
secretly telling you about me
without them i am left naked.


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